Wednesday 13th May 2015


Minutes of the Meeting of the above Council, held on Wednesday 13th May 2015 at Broomhall Chapel at 7.00 p.m.

Present: G. Bebbington (Vice Chairman), A.G. Lawrence (Clerk),
L. Wright, R. Blackburn, F. Wright, P. Griffiths, M. Wright, Mrs R. Ruscoe,
and 1 member of the public.

1. Apologies: Mrs E. Hollinshead (Chairman), Mrs J.R. Park, A. Brown, Councillor R. Bailey

2. Declaration of Interest – if a member is present at a meeting of the authority, and they have a disclosable
pecuniary in any matter to be considered or being considered at the meeting, they cannot take part in any discussion of the matter at the meeting or vote on it. They should disclose the interest to the meeting and follow the Council’s Code of Conduct.

3. Election of new Council

a. Announcement of Parish Councillors: it was reported that the persons have sought election:-
Austerson – A. Baldwin
Baddiley – R. Blackburn; M. Wright and one vacancy
Baddington – A. Brown; Mrs R. Ruscoe
Broomhall – Mrs E. Hollinshead; Mrs JR Park; G.L. Wright
Coole Pilate – R. Brassington and one vacancy
Sound – G. Bebbington; P. Griffiths; W.F. Wright and one vacancy

As such there was no election.

b. Code of Conduct for Members: Code of Conduct forms have been distributed to all Parish
Councillors, and they were advised that they must follow this Code at all times in relation to Parish Council business.

c. Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Declaration of Acceptance forms were returned to the
Clerk, and he will file accordingly.

d. General Notice of Registrable Interest: General Notice of Registrable Interest forms were
returned to the Clerk, and he will file with Cheshire East Council via the Assoc of Parish Councils.

4. Election of Officials for 2015

a. Chairman: G. Bebbington (Sound) was elected on the prop., of R. Brassington,
sec., P. Griffiths and unanimously agreed. The Chairman then completed his Acceptance of Office Form and was given to the Clerk for filing.

b. Vice Chairman: this year being the turn of Coole Pilate – R. Brassington was duly elected on the prop., of P. Griffiths, sec., L. Wright and unanimously agreed.

c. Planning Committee: as previous all members of the Parish Council

d. Confirmation of representatives of:-

i. Members of Wrenbury Consolidated Charities:
Sound: G. Bebbington; Broomhall: P. Griffiths were confirmed as representatives

ii. Baddiley Consolidated Charities: P. Winward was confirmed as representative

iii. Sound School Governor: F. Wright was confirmed as representative

iv. Police Cluster Meeting: Mrs E. Hollinshead, P. Griffiths and R. Brassington were
confirmed as representatives

5. Minutes of last Parish Council Meeting held on 22nd April 2015 were unanimously confirmed as a true and correct record on the prop., of Mrs R. Ruscoe, sec., R. Brassington

6. Matters arising from last minutes:-

a. Street Lights:- these are now fully operational, and as such the Clerk was instructed to pay the
outstanding a/c for their installation. Now however they need to be adopted by Cheshire East as was the agreement at the time of submitting the order, Councillor Bailey has reported that she has chased Paul Traynor re adoption of lights.

b. Community Speed Watch: further to previous meetings and information sought, the Clerk has
now contacted Mr Hartland again as follows:-
“Insurance – yes you would be covered by the Parish Council insurance providing you are able to provide:-
– Name and addresses of all volunteers
– Time table of where and when will operate for a 6 month period
– Risk assessment
– Method statement of work

Further we have spoken with the Police and they have offered to come to a meeting to explain how everything works and can probably help with the last two items above.

The only other issue from the parish Council perspective is that you can raise enough volunteers (they feel 6) so that the scheme can run for some time on a regular basis.

Let me know if you can meet these criteria and then we can arrange for everyone to get together”.

Mr Hartland has replied and has 5 volunteers to date and a notice to go on the Notice Boards:-
“Dear Adrian,
Good news and please pass my thanks to the Parish Council for their support..
So far I have 5 volunteers but I would obviously like to increase that number.
I believe that the noticeboard by Broomhall Chapel is a parish noticeboard.
Is it possible that a notice asking for volunteers can be placed in there?
Also are there any other noticeboards in the Parish ( Aston ? ) that could be used ?
I have attached a draft notice in anticipation
If you feel any changes to the notice are required please advise.
Best regards Mike”

Newhall Parish Council have discussed and they will
– Display poster
– Pay half the cost if their Parish is suitable for CSW and/or there are the volunteers to cover this stretch of the road

c. Gillian Cartlidge: further to last Minutes the Clerk reported that he had written to support Gillian
in remaining in Heatley Lane after the death of her mother. He has had a card of thanks from her to say that this has now been approved and she can remain as the tenant.

7. Highway matters:

a. S.A.D.RA. have reported an open chamber on the road verge on the A530, near the Nantwich end of the layby on the A530 between Cock Lane and Slaughterhouse Lane – Judging by the scuff marks on it and the fact that the verges have recently been cut, it could have been done by the Grass Cutter. D. Lowe has reported this.

b. School Sign: once more reported that the school sign still does not work. Clerk to report yet again.

8. Correspondence: Noted to members for their inspection and interest as follows:-

a. Cheshire East Council
1. Details of new Officials of Parish Council – Clerk to complete

b. Councillors – None

c. Parishioners – None

d. Other

1. Clerks & Councils Direct
2. Peter Bebbington – Chairman, Wrenbury & District Branch RBL

“On 31st July 2015 the Wrenbury & District Branch of the Royal British Legion will be marking the 75th anniversary of the death of local man, Sgt. Pilot Frederick William (Fred) Eley who was killed in the Battle of Britain on 31st July 1940.
Fred was flying a spitfire on the day that the Luftwaffe were attacking shipping in the Dover area. He was shot down and his plane came down in Folkstone harbour. His body was returned to Wrenbury for a military funeral, fly past and burial in the family grave in Wrenbury churchyard.
The Branch will be holding a short graveside ceremony at 11 a.m. On Friday 31st July next when several of Fred’s relatives and representatives of the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust will be present. The invitation is extended to all your parish councillors who would like to attend. If the Chairman would like to lay a wreath perhaps you would let me know so that I can have one available”.
The Meeting agreed that someone would attend from the Parish Council.

9. Accounts

I. Income received since last meeting: none

II. Accounts paid since last meeting: none

III. Accounts to pay at this meeting

a. Broomhall Chapel – Parish Meeting & parish Council Meeting £30.00

b. Aon £327.08
The Meeting on the advise of the RFO and on the prop., of P. Griffiths
sec., G. Bebbington agreed that this offered the best cover available.

c. Baddiley Chapel – Room Hire £15.00

Payments as per Precept Meeting – 1st December 2014

d. Sound & District Residents Assoc Nil for 2015

e. Audlem Community First Responders £100

f. St Michaels Church, Baddiley – Churchyard maintenance £100

The above accounts were approved for payment on the prop., of G. Bebbington sec., M. Wright and unanimously agreed.

IV Internal Audit the Clerk/RFO reported that D. Lowe has undertaken this and reported “on the basis of the internal work carried out. Which was limited to the tests indicated, in my view the council’s system of internal controls is in place, adequate for the purpose intended and effective”.
The Meeting recorded their thanks to Mr D. Lowe for undertaking this task.

V Annual Audit: as per last Minutes this will take place on 16th June 2015, and the Annual Return will be sent on conclusion of the Internal Audit. Notice of Audit has been displayed.

VI Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities – Local Audit & Accountability Act 2014:
The majority of changes to external audit arrangements and appointments will change with effect from the Financial Year 2017/18.
Local Councils with Income or Expenditure less than 25k p.a. will be exempt from external auditor but will still have an external auditor appointed for the purpose of the exercise of electors’ rights.
In the meantime Smaller Authorities (Sound & District Parish Council) are from 1st April 2015 subject to the mandatory publishing requirements of the Transparency Code.
The Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015/494, which come into force on 1st April 2015, will make compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (“the Code”) issued in December 2014 mandatory for parish councils with a turnover not exceeding £25,000 (Sound & District Parish Council).
The detail of the code was set out in NALC Legal Briefing L05-14, which in summary, form 1st July and thereafter not less than annually, and not later than 1st July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates should publish the following information:-
– All items of expenditure above £100 (where possible excluding VAT) which confirm the date the expenditure was occurred, a summary of the purpose of the expenditure, the amount and the VAT that cannot be recovered
– End of Year Accounts
– Annual Governance Statement
– Internal Audit Report
– List of Councillors and member responsibilities
– Details of public land and building assets
Councils subject to the Code should also publish:
– draft minutes of the council no later than one month after the meeting has taken place
– the agenda and associated papers for Council no later than three clear days before the meeting to which they relate is taking place
The information specified in the code must be published on a publicly accessible free of charge website

The Clerk/RFO advised the Meeting that all the legislation above is already included in the current Account Books, however there is now the necessity to set up a website which will carry this information. He advised that he has obtained a quote from Nantwich Web Design @ £150 to set up and £4 per month to manage.

On the prop., R. Blackburn, sec., Mrs R. Ruscoe it was unanimously agreed to proceed with this – Clerk to liaise and report back.

10. Planning Applications:

I. Results of previous applications:



15/0461N approved with conditions 17-Apr-2015 Audlem (2011)


              Applicant Mr J Scott Old Hall Barn, COOLE LANE, AUSTERSON, CW5 8AS
              Location Old Hall Barn, COOLE LANE, AUSTERSON, CW5 8AS
              Proposal Non Material amendment relating to 11/3662N

II. Applications received since last meeting:

III. Applications/Matters before this meeting:


Application No: 15/1837N
Proposal: Outdoor Tennis Court. There was a dilapidated tennis court on site
National Grid Ref: 364624 350636

The Meeting considered the application and on the prop., P. Griffiths, sec., M. Wright
unanimously agreed to support the application.


Application No: 15/1037N
Proposal: Proposed change of use of outbuildings to B1.
National Grid Ref: 363815 349802

The Meeting considered the application and on the prop., P. Griffiths, sec., R. Brassington unanimously agreed to offer No Representation


Application No: 15/2149N
Proposal: Single storey rear extension; Installation of skylights to garage. Retrospective approval for installation of satellite dish and tv aerial
National Grid Ref: 364588 350584

The Meeting considered the application and on the prop., P. Griffiths sec., F. Wright
unanimously agreed to offer No Representation

11. Sound Common report: none

12. Police Report: reported:-

– an incident of anti social behaviour on Sheppenhall Grove
– 3 x RTC in the area
– 1 x attempted burglary
– New Speed Gun is now in operation
– Latest Speed Check on A530 found 1 vehicle exceeding speed limit
– New Drug Testing Kit now in operation for motorists

13. Next Meeting:–

Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 24th June

Meeting closed.